21 November 2008


Scallopini Green Bennings – cucurbita pepo

To add a little variety to the courgettes, I'm also planting scallopini or summer squash – the organic Green Bennings from Koanga. These are apparently spaceship shaped and can be eaten whole or stuffed. Sounds like fun!

Summer squash generally take 7 to 14 days to germinate and are ready to eat 50 to 60 days from sowing. Like standard courgettes, I imagine these will be prone to powdery mildew. I'm not sure exactly where I'll put these – I'd like two, so one can go next to the two courgette plants opposite the front door (which will at least make it convenient for watering with the hose in the mornings), and the second can sit next to the watermelon (thereby filling up that bed).

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