What to do:
* snap the laterals off when they are small like they are in the photo - so the wound is small and heals quickly
* dry windy day - again, so the wound dries out quickly
* have clean hands - so you don't inadvertently transmit a disease from other plants or soil
* I'm sure I've read somewhere that the lateral immediately below the first set of flowers is the strongest and can be left in, so you end up with two stems producing fruit
* check and repeat every two weeks
Last year I never really got a handle on what laterals were as I couldn't find any good photos or illustrations to show me what to remove, and things did get pretty chaotic - the resulting bushes were very difficult to support. I think I've got it mostly sussed now though - so today I did a initial cleanup, removing laterals, removing the leaf stems that were already too low and virtually sitting on the ground, tying the plants to their stakes, removing the odd weed, and watering the root area with Tom-A-Rite organic tomato fertiliser. As the plants are just starting to produce flowers, the fertiliser will need to go on every week from now.