13 February 2010

Danyelle, Paris, Detroit and Guernsey

I'm hoping it will be third time lucky for the Danyelle lettuce (or maybe fourth time lucky?). Today I've sown a good sprinkling of seeds in a large container rather than in the garden bed in the hope that the seeds prefer the container mix to the soil!

I also sowed some more of the Paris cos lettuce and the peas. On the pea front I might be getting closer to having something to eat, the current plant is actually growing upward and attaching itself to the ladder of string supports I rigged up.

When going through my seeds to see what else I have that might warrant another sowing now (another round of beetroot, carrot, and parsnip for starters - I'm determined to have a steady supply of my winter crops), I see that half the seed collection has now reached its best-before date. I imagine these would probably still germinate just fine but I'm tempted to have a cleanout in advance of next spring.

And tomorrow I MUST mulch the rhubarb with compost! It's still growing, but the small round bed it's in seems to suddenly be low on soil, and turns to mud every time I water it.

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