Apparently the bigger things are above the ground, the bigger they are below the ground. Sadly this means that most of the remaining bulbs in the BBQ row will therefore be tiddly. On a brighter note, it bodes well for the garlic from the organic bulbs!
On the courgette front, my two plants can't seem to find a middle ground between underdeveloped-with-blossom-rot (I didn't see this at all last year), and marrows. No powdery mildew though, although the chances of getting through an Auckland February without it are pretty small. I made a Zucchini loaf today - this uses 1 cup of grated courgette which didn't make much of a dent in the marrow.
I think I can see my first scallopini too!
I've had to remove a few tomatoes with blossom rot, but luckily only a few, and there's an orange tomato on nearly every plant now. This morning the nets went on the plants.
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